Greeting fellow travelers. My name is Paris and I am a 30 year old vivid aspiring traveler in the body of a 65 year old man. My passion has always been going out there and taking things in while exploring the wildness and the magic of the world.
Lamentably, due to circumstances with my family and career I was unable to pursue this passion until it was what many would consider “too late”.
However, in my way of life there is never a “too late”. Especially when it comes to the things you love. So I decided to set out and grasp all the experiences and moments I missed out on all these years.
Ever since I made that decision I’ve been traveling constantly and savoring every moment of it. If you’d like to be part of my journey in this life as a traveler, then please read my stories and share with me what they awaken in you.

Traveling is not the goal, it’s the means
Traveling and seeing new destinations is the journey that helps achieve true happiness